With Glou-Glou Wines, Chugging Is Encouraged
When's the last time you heard that intimidating yet invigorating chant, "chug! chug! chug!"?
In my younger days, that chorus was both a signal that it was time to prove myself and that my friends and I — as well as the people who we desperately wanted approval from — were about to have a good time. Unfortunately, though, back then, the chug chant was always paired with a heaping dose of self-doubt and slightly warm, cheap beer or worse, a Smirnoff Ice. While I am, for the most part, glad to be past that point in my youth, there was something both literally and figuratively intoxicating about being able to slam back some booze instead of having to stand around savouring every last drop in the name of civility. That's why I'm so glad to have discovered what many aficionados are now referring to as "glou-glou wine." Think of these wines as a much more sophisticated and delicious version of those light beers we once chugged. And thankfully, they don't come with any of the social pressure.
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